Project information

  • Category: Web
  • Technologies: React, Flask, Firebase, Heroku
  • Project date: HackHarvard October 14-16, 2022
  • Project URL:


As undergraduate students, we've all endured the pain of having to download 5+ different messaging apps just to get involved within our campus communities. Some clubs/classes/labs use Discord, some use GroupMe, some use Messenger, and the list goes on. This can get cumbersome, and sometimes just downright annoying. Our vision is to create a platform that encourages community engagement through one single and easy to use app! This platform is not only useful for students, but various other discourse communities in general. Here are just a few examples: activist groups, software engineers, outdoors-persons, concert-goers, gym-goers, astrophiles, python-lovers, and so many more. Being connected within your community(s) has never been easier!

What CONNECTED does is allow users to voluntarily choose what communities they are involved with, and then be able to interact within their community with ease. Joining one app, users are able to search for others within their community(s), directly or group message them, post discussions and/or reply to other discussion posts, and join groups!